Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Some of our Spring Semester Activities

*Bounce U Playdate*
We love our playdates and one of our favorite places is Bounce U.  It's always a hit!!
Even the mommas joined in.  =)

*Valentine's Dinner*
SAA provides a dinner for SAA members and their spouses every year for Valentine's Day.  We had a great turn out this year at The Local Table.

 *Valentine's Fundraiser*
Our Fundraiser Chair, Brittany Fisher, put together a booklet for students and faculty to purchase from. There were varieties of arrangements (and prices) as well as chocolates and spa packages.

*Family Movie Night at the School*
A fun friday night at the movies... or OSU-COM's Merkel Auditorium.  We showed Brave and made popcorn!

*Playdate/Birthday Party*
Sweet Miss Afton turned 1!

We've had several things going on this semester and here were just a few to catch you up.


NOM Week 2013

The American Osteopathic Association says, "National Osteopathic Medicine (NOM) Week is April 14-20. NOM Week brings the osteopathic medical profession together to focus on one common goal - increasing awareness of osteopathic medicine and DOs in communities across the country." 
(To read more about NOM Week click HERE.)

OSU-COM SAA is doing our part to honor our osteopathic students!  We put together 220 goodie bags (for the 1st and 2nd years who are still at the school), filled with pretzels, peanut butter crackers, apples and Hershey Kisses.  

Thank you Crystal Moore (MSII) and Joy Vedros (MSII) for all your help!  And Hadley of course.  ;)

And thank you students for all the hard work you put in!!


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Meeting Minutes 3.5.13

                                                           Meeting Minutes 3.5.13

It's official!! We've elected a new office for the new school year.

President: Joy Vedros
1st V.P.: Allison Johnston
2nd V.P.: Brittany Fisher
Treasurer: Kirsten Griffin
Secretary: Kimberly Smith

Congratulations Ladies!! It's going to be a great year!!

The next event we have coming up is State in Norman. We need some volunteers to go and help set up the booth and maintain it. The dates will be April 18th thru the 20th. Thursday is set up, Friday will be running the booth, and Saturday will be the President's Reception which will be a Western Theme. Seeking Sitters will be available. AOOA will also pay for one Hotel Room, the room just needs to be reserved. If you pay for the room they will reimburse you as long as the room is used. If you have any further questions please get with Meghan A.

Playgroup this week will be Saturday at the Philbrook Museum. Jessica will post all the info on fb.

The next meeting will be April 2nd and we will do the Spouses Panel that day.

-Britney R.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Meeting Minutes 1.29.13

                                                                    Meeting Minutes              

The Wine Pull Fundraiser raised $975!! YAY! Thank you to everyone who helped!
*Upcoming Events:
We are selling packages including Flower arrangements and Spa gift cards. Please get with Brittany Fisher if you would like to order any flowers. She needs to know ASAP so she can make the arrangements.

The Valentine's Day Dinner will be February 9th 7pm @ The Local Table. Please RSVP.

Family Movie Night will be Feb. 15th @ 6:30. We will be watching Brave and eating popcorn.

Manvocate Bowling will be the end of February.

Jessica will continue to post the play groups on the FB page.

It's that time for Nominations!!! Everything will be done by the book.
-Nominations will be taken at the March meeting, the official vote will be during the April meeting followed by installation in May.
-There can be no more than 2 people nominated for any position. If there are any positions where more than two candidates there will be a vote for those exceeding that at the nominations meeting.
-Only members paid in full are eligible to vote or to be nominated for an office.
-We will only be taking nominations and voting on the executive board positions. All chairs will be appointed by the president.

February 23rd will be the Student Admittance Day. We need a few volunteers to come up to the school and speak to the families about the SAA and what we do for the students and families.

The next meeting will be March 5.

-Britney R.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Winter CME

AOOA Jewelry Party
The AOOA hosted a wonderful get together to start the day off.  Here's a a shot I caught of the group before getting started.

After some chit-chat and enjoying some delicious hors d'oeuvres it was time to get busy making jewelry.

Janelle Norman (MSIII), Allison Johnston (MSII), Brittany Fisher (MSI), Charity Broam (MSIV)

Showing off our hard work!  

Walli Daniel opening up for our "Tech-y" Information Presentation.

Wine & Cigar Pull Fundraiser
We had numerous donations coming in across the board with wine and cigar to help this fundraiser go off without a hitch.  We are so grateful for each and EVERY one of those donations.  This event would not have been possible without them and we fully recognize that and thank you all beyond words!!

There was seriously so much success from this event.  Here are some of the pictures we caught from the evening.

The set-up crew!!
Bavette Miller, Janelle Norman, Ryan Miller, Brittany Fisher, Allison Johnston

The ladies and our fabulous AOOA President, Walli Daniel.
Walli Daniel (AOOA President), Bavette Miller, Janelle Norman, Brittany Fisher, Allison Johnston

Hard working SAA members.  =)
Janelle Norman (MSIII), Brittany Fisher (MSI), Allison Johnston (MSII), Joy Vedros (MSII)
Our first purchase of the evening: wine, cigar and a wine bag!!!  Thank you Dr. Calabrese.

We ended the night just under $1000!!!  Thank you so much for all the support and again the donations, you all never cease to amaze us!

-Janelle, SAA President

Monday, January 14, 2013

SAA Playgroup Schedule: Spring 2013

SAA Playgroup Schedule
Spring 2013


  • Thursday, January 17th - Home Playgroup @ Airika's Home @ 10:30 am
  • Friday, January 25th - Sprouts Play Cafe @ 10:30 am
  • Thursday, January 31st - Home Playgroup @ Bekah's Home @ 10:30am


  • Friday, February 8th - Bounce U @ 10:00am 
  • Thursday, February 14th - Home Playgroup @ Jami's Home @ 10:30 am
  • Friday, February 22nd - Home Playgroup @ Heather's Home @ 10:30 am
  • Thursday, February 28th - Home Playgroup @ Joy's Home @ 10:30 am


  • Saturday, March 9th - Philbrook Museum @ 10:00 am
  • Friday, March 15th - TBA
  • March 18th - 22nd - Spring Break
  • Friday, March 29th - Zoo @ 10:30 am


  • Friday, April 5th - Park @ 10:30 am
  • Friday, April 12th - Home Playgroup @ Janelle's Home @ 10:30 am
  • Friday, April 19th - Starbucks & Play area at Woodland Hills Mall @ 10:30 am
  • Friday, April 26th - Park @ 10:30am 


  • Friday, May 3rd - Zoo @ 10:30 am
  • Friday, May 10th - Home Playgroup at Kimberly's Home @ 10:30

A formal "E-vite" will be posted on the SAA page on Facebook to remind you of playgroup dates and times.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.  

Jessica Owens
(Ross Owens MSIII)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Birth Announcements

Besides making the grades our medical students are great at making babies.  We had several born last spring and into the summer but we've had a few that have just recently made their arrival.

*October Baby*
Mr. Huck Lee
Proud Parents:
Amanda and Brian Lee (MSIV)

*November Babies*
Miss Syri Ramkaran
Proud Parents:
Britney and Damian Ramkaran (MSIII)

 Miss Fiona Freeman
Proud Parents:
Kelly and Randy Freeman (MSII)

*January Baby*
Mr. Bennett Evilsizer
Proud Parents:
Susan and Tyler Evilsizer (MSII)

We usually don't go long before a new wave of babies comes, so I'm sure I'll have more announcements to make soon.  =)


Saturday, January 12, 2013

SAA's December

*Christmas Tea*
December 1, 2012

The AOOA hosts a Christmas Tea every year for the SAA members.  This year was specifically an English High Tea, with a fascinator (English hat) contest.

The beautiful spread.
Janelle Norman (MSIII) & Jessica Owens (MSIII)

The top three for the fascinator competition.
Joy (1st Vice president) won first place. 
Apryl Pritchett (MSII), Allison Johnston (MSII), Joy Vedros (MSII) 

The wonderful ladies who hosted our etiquette course following tea. 

The SAA executive board received these wonderful glitzy lanyards.  
No more cloth/shoe string lanyards for us, thank you President, Walli Daniel!  =)

A few of us with the our AOOA president, Walli Daniel.  Thank you so much for opening your home for this event, it was beautiful.

*Meal for Finals*
December 3-6, 2012

At the end of every fall semester we give the students a chance to get a week of home cooked meals.  We sell tickets a few weeks prior and then they can spend as much time studying at the school without having to worry about what they're going to eat.

 *SAA Christmas Party*
December 4, 2012

We had our annual Christmas party and had a white elephant gift exchange, plus a cookie exchange. 


Love these ladies!!

Looking forward to our spring semester!
