Saturday, February 27, 2010

Spin Results

Alright, second years! Is everybody happy with how the spin came out yesterday?

Spencer got core 1, for which we're really excited! And I think it's just exciting to see where he's going to be on the others. This seems to be a really big step to me in the journey to becoming a doctor. I can't believe how fast it's all going! We'll probably try to plan a trip to Utah to visit family some time during core and possibly during the rural rotation, but we'll have to see.

So let's hear it. What did you get? and are you happy about it? And does anyone have any plans for the really busy/away times for their student?


  1. We got core 2, which is what we requested (yay!)... We are a little frustrated / confused, though, since they left this July / August completely blank, and we cannot ask questions until they hold a meeting to discuss it with the class (which as of yet remains unscheduled). It seems that if we need to schedule electives on our own or make changes during that time, now is the time to be doing it? Anyway, excited that the results are finally out, knowing it will all work out according to God's plan, and excited that Core 2 is set! We also got several doctors he liked / requested. :o)

  2. Scott got 1, too. I'm with you, Desiree, about the weirdness of the rest of the schedule. I guess we'll learn more after the meeting but I hope Scott doesn't have to be alone in Enid for Thanksgiving and Christmas!!

  3. Thankfully we didn't get any weird stuff (I haven't heard of much, but I've heard a bit). It'll be weird to see how it all gets worked out. I hope it all works out the best for everyone!

  4. Brandon got 3, he will be gone for 25 days in July for the Guard officer training so he needed July off. He is missing some rotations and has 3 months with nothing scheduled though. He didn't get either of the rural ones he requested, someone else got both of the two he wanted, which kind of stinks. I guess we will see how it goes. Good luck to everyone!

  5. Well, I guess between all of us we will be able to give a good range of opinions on which Core to do! LOL...


We would love to hear your thoughts.